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About Textgain

Textgain was founded in 2015 as a spin-off of the University of Antwerp. Capitalizing on more than 6 decades of combined experience in language technology, we aim to put academic excellence to the best possible use.

Artificial intelligence that reads between the lines.

Six combined decades of academic experience

We began as a team of linguists at the University of Antwerp, developing NLP tools for research purposes. When we decided to launch Textgain, we compiled these tools into our original Text Analytics API. We quickly started working with clients on creating custom-made solutions to address their data needs.

True to our academic roots, we are committed to using our technology to advance social progress. Over the years we have expanded our team with data scientists, linguists, and computer programmers as well as business developers and sociologists. This is how we keep growing as a company and actively rest our finger on the social pulse.

AI as a glass box: our Vision

We develop AI systems that are trustworthy, transparent and explainable (XAI). Instead of a black box you will get a glass box, with careful attention to user privacy and algorithmic bias. It will hold up in ethically challenging applications. Our team of linguists and data scientists work together to innovate the ways for AI tools to make sense of complex data – but always in a transparent way, and accessible to everyone.

The timeline

Browse the highlights throughout our history.

In our clients’ words

We work with clients from the public and private sector to address their unique needs. We love collaborating on innovative projects that use AI for good.